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Saint Mark’s Church. Photo Copyright © 2015, Len Levasseur.

I’m excited to announce my appointment as Interim Assistant Organist and Choirmaster at Saint Mark’s Church, Philadelphia for the 2019-2020 season. Starting in September, I’ll split my time between New York and Philadelphia while I finish my studies at Mannes. Saint Mark’s holds a special place in my heart: it is where I served as Organ Scholar for three years, working with many friendly and talented people. In this new role I’ll work in all things music at the church including playing the organ, conducting, and assisting in mentoring the Organ Scholar.

This follows a wonderful year at Marble Collegiate Church where I served as Guest Organist In Residence. It was a privilege to work with Ken Dake and the musicians at Marble, who are truly some of the finest in New York City. I look forward to seeing the Marble family around the proverbial bend and am grateful for my time there.

I can’t wait to be back on the Saint Mark’s music team in my new role and I hope you’ll join us for an exciting season ahead!

– Bryan Dunnewald, 16 May 2019

I’m looking forward to returning to Saint Mark’s Church, Philadelphia on Sunday to conduct my Missa Brevis: Saint Mark with the Parish Choir. The piece is dedicated to the musicians of Saint Mark’s who supported me during my three years as Organ Scholar. I am thrilled to come back and work with these talented people again and I hope you’ll join us!

  • Sunday, 12 May 2019, 11:00am; St. Mark’s Church, Philadelphia, PA. Bryan will return to St. Mark’s to conduct his Missa Brevis: Saint Mark in the Sunday mass. The parish choir, for whom the piece was written, will sing in the beautiful gothic church. Free and open to the public.

– Bryan Dunnewald, 8 May 2019

As my first year in New York wraps up, I’m excited to give a recital at St. Patrick’s Cathedral on Sunday. I hope you’ll join us in a magnificent space in the heart of the city! If you can’t, the recital will also be broadcast on their website. Details are below:

  • Sunday, 5 May 2019, 3:15pm; St. Patrick’s Cathedral, New York, NY. Bryan will give a Sunday recital on the Kilgen organ at the monumental St. Patrick’s Cathedral. The large gothic cathedral and colorful organ make for a powerful musical experience. The concert will be live-streamed on the Cathedral website, and will last approximately 30 minutes. Details can be found here and a program is here.

– Bryan Dunnewald, 30 April 2019

I’m looking forward to returning to the beautiful organ and church of St. Louis, King of France, St. Paul, MN. This is a stunning organ in a wonderful room; I hope you’ll join us for some great music! Details are below:

  • Tuesday, 9 April 2019, 12:35pm; St. Louis, King of France Church, St. Paul, MN. Bryan will present an afternoon recital on the stunning Casavant organ at St. Louis Church. The concert will be approximately 30 minutes long and highlight the many colors of the instrument which resides in a beautiful church. Details are here and a program can be found here.

– Bryan Dunnewald, 6 April 2019

Over the past few weeks, I’ve been working with the New School Community Orchestra to prepare for our concert of Elgar and Schumann. We’re very excited to share the fruits of our labor with you this Wednesday! This orchestra has been such a joy to work with – their energy and passion for music is contagious. I hope you’ll join us for what will surely be an engaging and heartfelt performance.

  • Wednesday, 3 April 2019, 8:00pm; Tishman Auditorium, The New School, New York, NY. Bryan conducts the New School Community Orchestra in a program of Elgar and Schumann. The energy of the performers – community members from around New York – and the repertoire are sure to create an exciting performance to end your Wednesday. Details are here and a program can be found here.

– Bryan Dunnewald; 30 March 2019