Today marks my final Sunday at Saint Mark’s after about seven years on staff, first as Organ Scholar and then as Assistant Organist and Choirmaster. As I’ve mentioned before, I’ve wanted to work for Robert McCormick since I was in high school. Little did I know how much he would give to me musically and personally, and how close we would become! He has led me into musical adulthood during my time here and I will always be grateful for his generous mentorship and great friendship.
Saint Mark’s is a truly special place. It is a healthy, vibrant parish in a big city; it has people of all ages and backgrounds, including families, involved every day; it values beautiful worship with serious music making for all ages, volunteers and professionals alike; and these are just a few of the highlights! Wherever Maja and I go, we will remember fondly our time at Saint Mark’s, and I’ll hope to visit often whenever I’m nearby.
The music program during my time has only grown leaps and bounds, and I know it will continue to do so under Robert’s leadership. I am proud to have been a part of this great place and will be eager to see where the parish and music program go from here. Onwards and upwards!
– Bryan Dunnewald, 31 July 2022