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After a fun concert at Marble Collegiate Church today, I’m excited to continue the week of performances at Mannes on Wednesday and Trinity Church, Boston on Friday. The concert at Mannes, in the GlassBox theater, features wind ensemble music; I will be conducting Strauss’ Suite in B-flat, a lovely early piece that has hints of organ music in it (and even a fugue!). Friday’s recital will feature the chancel organ at Trinity; the program explores German organ music through three composers’ connections to Bach and the sonata. I hope you’ll join us for one of these programs!

  • Wednesday, 27 February 2019, 3:00pm; GlassBox Theater, Mannes School of Music. Bryan conducts the Mannes Wind Ensemble in a performance of Strauss’ Suite in B-flat, opus 4. The concert will highlight the color spectrum of the wind section and also features Gounod’s Petite Symphonie. Free and open to the public. Details are here.
  • Friday, 1 March 2019, 12:15pm; Trinity Church, Copley Square, Boston, MA. Bryan will return to Boston’s famous Trinity Church to give a recital on the Æolian-Skinner organ. The program will last approximately thirty minutes and will show off the many voices of this historic instrument in a beautiful space. Details are here and a program can be found here.

– Bryan Dunnewald, 25 February 2019

Since moving to NYC, I’ve had a great time serving as Guest Organist in Residence at Marble Collegiate Church. Working with Ken Dake, Director of Music, my role involves playing and conducting during services and concerts. I’m excited to perform again on the organ recital series at Marble, this time as a familiar face to the church. I hope you’ll join me Monday to hear a great organ in a wonderful place!

  • Monday, 25 February 2019, 12:30pm; Marble Collegiate Church, New York, NY. Bryan will be back at Marble Church to give a recital on the Glück organ. The beautiful church is located in the heart of Manhattan and will offer a wonderful break from the workday. Details are here and a program can be found here.

– Bryan Dunnewald, 21 February 2019

This year marks this website’s tenth birthday! We’ve had a great 2018 and look forward to an even better 2019, filled with great music and people. If you’d like to see a few highlights from 2018, there is a new photo gallery that will take you on a short tour through the year.

Thank you for your continued support!

As the end of a busy semester comes to a close, I hope you’ll join us for the Mannes Orchestra’s last performance before the break! We’ve prepared a program of Dvorak and Beethoven, and can’t wait to share it with you. The orchestra is sounding great; this hour long program will surely provide a nice bit of refreshment amidst the holiday rush!

  • Friday, 14 December 2018, 3:00pm; Tishman Auditorium, The New School, New York, NY. Bryan leads the Mannes Orchestra in a concert featuring Beethoven’s Egmont Overture and Dvořák’s Symphony No. 6 in D Major. The program will be led by the Mannes Student Conductors, lasts approximately one hour, and is free and open to the public.

– Bryan Dunnewald; 13 December 2018

At Mannes, we’ve been hard at work preparing for the orchestra concert tomorrow (Wednesday) featuring Brahms and Beethoven. It will be my first performance with the Mannes Orchestra and my first as a conducting student! The orchestra musicians are playing beautifully and I hope you’ll join us for a wonderful afternoon of music.

  • Wednesday, 31 October 2018, 3:00pm; Tishman Auditorium, The New School, New York, NY. Bryan conducts the Mannes Orchestra in a performance of Beethoven’s Coriolan Overture and Brahms’ Serenade No. 1 in D Major led by the Mannes Student Conductors. The program will last approximately one hour and is free and open to the public. Details can be found here.

– Bryan Dunnewald; 30 October 2018